Tuesday 9 February 2016



JOURNAL ENTRY, 09/02/2016, 07:40 hrs., PST, Tuesday, my place, 8°C partially cloudy, Mood 65/35

Have to guard against flying too high, the bi polar equivalent of going crazy at least more crazy than usual. I have Ry Cooder on the sound track courtesy of good friend Tom. The river sets me off on a musical journey to match the joy of my first coffee.

Will 4s and then hit the street, I'm sure there are images in the hood to match my mood. But first some bran buds and blueberries for breakfast to take the healthy edge off my early morning hunger.

Haven't surfed the News channels yet so have nothing to be angry about and the only major decision is do I wait until the Ry Cooder disk is finished or do I go into the shower, ahh even happiness has its limits.

Pictures at eleven,

Ciao, JWL

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