Tuesday, 21 June 2016



JOURNAL ENTRY, 21/06/2016,16:15 hrs., PDT, Tuesday, my place,
19ºC sunny and cool, MOOD 40/60 and bored

Have started reading several short stories in the 130th edition of Granta but can't seem to get past the first paragraphs, is it because the writing is bad or is it because I can't seem to focus on what the author is on about?

I should go out fro a walk-and see if there is anything that piques my interest either photographically or menially.

The UK has a referendum on whether ti leave the EU or stay with the status-co , it would seem to me to be a retrograde move to leave and a very poor economic choice.

The movie crews that have been banging around outside my window on Powell have moved on until next week.

The housing crisis is looking more like a multi layered case of corruption with the head developer hand in glove with the smiling liar our premier Christy Clark.


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