Thursday, 30 June 2016



JOUNAL ENTRY, 30/06/2016, 05:49 hrs., PDT. Thursday, my place,
14ºC clear, MOOD 50/50

Good nights sleep, but who cares except me? The first coffee is a treat but to really be on top of my game must 4s and after the shave feel as good as I will feel all day, old military habits die hard.

Have already surfed the cyber space news links and found nothing that really annoyed me. The same old same old with the dip shit Donald Trump getting his usual ration of outraged headlines Yawn...

Then there is the feel good speech by Obama to parliament with the usual applause from the trained and overpaid monkeys we elected to the Commons. Again double Yawn...

My in boxes full of the usual bull shit spam about 20 this morning its getting like my snail mail in box full of unsolicited ads for things I never asked for or for that matter have never wanted. 

Come to think of it the ads that Facebook keeps putting up on my home page are starting to over work the delete key the same as the links that ask me to pray for something where someone is having a hard time instead of actually helping.

I don't know whose imaginary friend, the all powerful imaginary friend who sees every thing and therefore is the reason for the problem in the first place, will suddenly change its mind and fix the problem. Fat chance!


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