Saturday, 16 July 2016


Zeus Virus

JOURNAL ENTRY, 18/07/2016, 11:46 hrs., PDT, Saturday, my place, 14ºC cloudy threatening to rain, MOOD, 50/50

Twenty siren day all ready, and the notice came up on the screen from my browser when I activated the book mark to the Guardian International, with an annoying beeb beep alarm signal and a a flashing screen warning me phone via my laptop to get some help from some unknown company to get rid of the malware.

This is the same outfit that completely shut down my computer so I had to go to the GEEK SQUAD to get it operating again. This time I didn't fall for it and simply shut my computer off I fired it up again and then I got some voice offering me prizes so hit the restart icon and got rid of that and then started this blog entry.

I have noticed a large increase in spam and unwanted notices at my email addresses, the spam blockers and spam files don't seem to work any more.

Note to all of you out there do not sign any petitions because they don't generate any results other than put you on a spam list and mooch list.

I never do any financial work over the internet and prefer to deal only in cash.

The world seems to be coming apart, Coups in Turkey, murder of 84 and 250 injured in NICE France, five police deaths in the USA at Black Lives Matter protest march in Dallas, police murdering black males and females in the streets of Baton Rouge and Minneapolis in states with open carry laws where it is very hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys so shoot first in all circumstances.


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