Monday, 1 August 2016


A month of changes

JOURNAL ENTRY, 01/08/2016, 08:43 hrs., PDT, Monday, my place,
19ºC sunny with cool breeze, MOOD 60/40

. Took in the parade with friend Barrie “S” , the fold down chairs were an excellent idea, We left the parade, which still had an another hour to pass, so we could avoid the crush, 500,000 people. Got 174 pictures on my DSLR and fifteen pictures on my phone, will cherry pick about ten for this blog.

August is the month of my conception in 1935, I joined the Army in August of 1955 and left the Army in August of 1971, and when ever I've had a major change in my life its always in August.

Will post this and upload the PRIDE pictures.

Happy BC day.

Ciao, JWL

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