Friday, 26 August 2016



JOURNAL ENTRY, 26/08/2016, 06:16 hrs., PDT, Friday, myplace, 23ºC clear and warm, MOOD 50/50

What am I smiling at? I'm finally getting my new phone to do things my old phone couldn't and cluttering up my brain with new passwords to remember along with what ever I named the link in the first place,

Still havent 4sd yet so am feeling rather grungy sipping on my first coffee and navigating through all the artifacts that this platform won't delete.

First coffee at my elbow while my tummy rumbles and my face itches and the fore finger on my left hand has a hang nail that has to be bandaged or there will be blood on the keys.

Have you ever noticed that getting through the pakaging of band aids you could bleed to death before you managed to solve it?

Had a lot of confusing dreams that seemingly were trying to warn me about something that I should fear and wake up in a sweat but not really know why.

Dazed and confused,


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