Wednesday, 3 August 2016



JOURNAL ENTRY, 03/08/2016, 06:55 hrs., PDT, Wednesday, my place, 14ºC drizzle, MOOD 60/40

Good sleep, upset stomach a memory, first coffee on the boil, haven't surfed the news channels so haven't had my dose of propaganda or some warning to be afraid or angry  about yet.

Took a quick look at my Face book page which is becoming the same as surfing the pseudo news channels but refused to be jarred out of my good mood even when that pop up ads from the Norton virus appeared on the right of the text offering a discount on another virus they claim to be able to cure.

Still have not shaved or showered so I stink and itch and will soon finish this diatribe and Obey the Lord of small tasks.

We are barely into August but it started well and the rain is actually very welcome.


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