Sunday, 18 September 2016



cant sleep
and have trance music
on my personal sound track
which all most drowns
out the tinnitus
overwhelming my hearing
and the only images present
are the shadows
and lights passing
on the street
no word yet from
the Carnegie newsletter
of my poems being
in Paul's contest
met old friend Horst
and we talked for two hours
over coffee, tea and a
peanut butter cookie
i'm sure there
were a couple of world problems
we didn't manage to solve
but really like all others
we are being ignored
but that is only important
if you really give
a shit what happens
this mornings headline
says that a bomb
has gone off in NYC
29 people injured
and another bomb discovered nearby
another bad news story
book ended by
the good news
Nike has a new golf ball
and the most annoying
ad in history
about getting a “CHIP”
by several elderly people
whose false teeth
don't fit very well
and say “CHIP” with a lot of spit
it is funny once or twice
but like a bad joke
boring otherwise
piss and moan
piss and moan

JWL© 18/09/2016

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