Monday, 13 June 2016

DEJA VU all over again

DEJA VU all over again

JOURNAL ENTRY, 13/06/2016, 09:38 hrs., PDT, Monday, my place,
12ºC drizzle, MOOD 40/60

All the news is bad and getting worse with the insanity, that is religion, being used as an excuse for the act of murders both individual and en mass, with the cries for revenge to punish the evil doers with equal punishment for both the innocent and perhaps the guilty.

One has to wonder what spin the 2nd amendment gang will put on the atrocity in Orlando. The talking heads in the MSM pontificate and the President says the logical solution to the problem with little confidence that other levels of government will pay any attention.

My question is, how can you have gun control in a country the has more guns than the 300 million it has in populace?

We have all heard it before and this latest atrocity although being called the largest terrorist attack in US history forgetting the bombing in Oklahoma City where 169 were killed. And the Branch Navidian massacre in Waco Texas.

DEJA VU all over again.


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