ENTRY,15/06/2016,04:34hrs., PDT, Wednesday, my place, 09ºC
drizzle, MOOD 50/50
an email from Ken “R” seems he is doing fine, I see that his
daughter is in Los Vegas and having a good time. Forwarded the e mail
to Ken “B” but he also had his own from Ken “R”.
of my gadgets died, I assume if was a dead battery, but cannot figure
out how to change it or what kind of battery so have gone to plan B
and activated the more complicated gadget that I can't figure out how
to set it has my weight right and the length of my pace right but I
can't seem to reset my age from 79 to 80 and it has just shut itself
off and won't come on again so now they are both dead.
meeting Jack “S” at Milano's at 09:30 hrs. So he can give me back
the MAC disk for PS 14 Elements which he hasn't managed to load on
his Macbook Air. I've loaded the Windows equivalent and it works
quite well.
to get the disk burning equivalent of Toast will search the internet
for a free be,
My place is littered with receipts for goods I have bought in Grocery
stores, and hardware stores and drug stores and gadget shops in case
for some reason the goods are unsatisfactory. I attempted to enter
the contest for a Best Buy $1000 card, lots of luck with that, its a
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