Tuesday, 5 July 2016

black and white days


JOURNAL ENTRY, 05/07/2016, 08:11 hrs., PDT, Tuesday, my place, 18ºC, cloudy with a hint of drizzle, MOOD 50.50

Watched the Tour de France, no actually listened while I edited the the black and white photos I took yesterday. Today will walk to the China Town station and top up my Compass Card and then go to A&N and get some shaving cream and sardines and a jar of mustard,

Sardines and mustard on toast, Yum!!!

Heather and Eloi and the kids are enjoying some quality time on the Magdalene Islands, Ian and Marthe are enjoying Wimbledon

As for me not much happening am in the final couple of hours of a 24 hour fast, have dropped five lbs. but will gain it all back after a couple of glasses of water that I have to have to prevent cramps in my legs.

I know this is boring but I seem to have kicked the insomnia for the last week its been cool for the last four days overcast and cool.


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