Monday, 4 July 2016



JOUNAL ENTRY, 04/07/2016, 04:46 hrs., PDT, Monday, my place, 19ºC partially cloudy with breeze, MOOD 50/50

The OS is acting up again, all sorts of spam adverts for things i never asked for taking up the whole desktop demanding that you down load malware etc and etc,.

Managed to get the Amy Documentary at HMV will watch it tonight.

Will phone Ian tonight, Heather and family are in the Magdalene Islands just off Newfoundland in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Met Danny Casavant in my wanderings yesterday and got caught up with one of my Yale friends.

Walked 7 miles and went to bed at 21:00 hrs and slept well until 04:00 hrs. got up and had a whiz and then couldn't get back to sleep.


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